Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Some of Sunday. A little Monday. And, Tuesday June 16.

Hello All!  The last 48 hours have been interesting to say the very least.  Where I last left off in the blog -- We had just gotten finished at Mr. Pickwick's and we were headed back to the apartments to change for salsa dancing -- our very last one since this was our last Sunday night in Cape Town -- I was very excited.  However, the night didn't end up with much salsa-ing for me because I apparently contracted food poisoning at the beloved Mr. Pickwick's.  I slept in our bathroom on Sunday night and headed to the hospital early Monday morning.  They took very, very good care of me at the hospital and I really don't know what I would have done without my roommate, Brittany.  She saved my life -- from wet wash cloths on my neck to running in her pjs through the lobby to get a sprite to accompanying me to the hospital... she was incredible. 
Anyway, Monday morning consisted of a South African hospital visit that went very well.  I got an IV and the nurse explained to me how terrible her job was - underpaid, overworked, but that I should really go into nursing if that's where my heart is.  (Her daughter who sells cell phones makes twice her salary.  Ironic.  I can't have Bret out-making me, folks.) :)! The rest of Monday was spent recovering and ended up in a movie night -- I slept through all of it. 

However, today - Tuesday - was wonderful!  We all woke up very early to go and hear Ahmed Kathrada (Nelson Mandella's cell mate and life long friend) speak about his experiences on Robben Island... because of bad weather we weren't able to actually go to Robben Island but that didn't matter to me because Kathrada's speech was so interesting.  He spoke about the hardships of their imprisonment - he said the greatest deficit was the lack of children.  No one under the age of 16 was allowed on the island.  Mandella saw his children at the age of 2 and 3 and then not again until they were 16.  Adults were allowed to visit for 30 minutes every six months -- so, over a year you were able to spend an hour with a loved one.  Kathrada said one of his most joyful experiences in prison was when he was able to hold his attorney's three year old daughter because she refused to stay in the car.  He was in his late twenties at the time.  He was incredible.  He made me laugh with several jokes.  
After that, I walked around the waterfront with Kristy, Eric and others and we all went to see a movie at 12... and after the movie - we came home and walked on the beach.  It was truly beautiful outside.  We ended up eating an early dinner at the lighthouse and coming home.  I think we're just going to hang around here tonight and play poker.  Life here is good.  Headed to a high school in the morning and Amy Biehl after-school program in the afternoon.  Peace and Love from Africa.

Sunday Night:

Helping Brittany get ready before Salsa Night - (and food poisoning).

Kelly, Brittany and I waiting on our cab!

Becca, Claire, half of Eric and I in the cab on the way to saaalsa.  And my death.


My group with Ahmed Kathrada -- Nelson Mandella's cell mate for 27 years.

Kathrada spoke to us - appropriately - on the South Africa holiday, Youth Day.

Here are the famous prisoners - Kathrada pictured with Mandella and others. These were taken in the museum exhibit.

Close-up.  He's a good-looking guy!

Waaaade in the Water.  Waaaade in the Wateeeer chiiiildren.  That's right.  As Kristy, Eric, Andrew and I were walking to an early dinner we passed some people in the jetty being baptized.  Of course I took video, too.  And sang for my friends.  This was a little more legit then St. Peter Claver baptisms - Mom and dad, I'm sorry you weren't here to witness.  And for some reason, I thought Mr. Cassidy would have liked to see it too!

Just the view in front of my apartment of Table Mountain, Lion's Peak and Signal Hill.  I'll be climbing Lion's Peak on Saturday with Eric, Collin and Kristy!

Sunset on the way home from dinner....

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