Today - Garrett Gravesen spoke to us. He put on a good talk - I was very impressed. We broke into our small groups and answered several questions that corresponded with his talk. After the morning portion was through (aka OUR LAST CLASS) - we broke for lunch and then went to a local AIDS Orphanage. I had a great time with the children - some of us played with the younger children - (that was me) while others played with the older children. We brought some toys to give to them and the stickers (as you'll see) were a big hit. We were at the orphanage for about four hours -- after the orphanage, Kristy and I were starving so we made grilled cheeses and tomato soup and then went on to eat about a pound of chocolate. Naturally. Tomorrow morning I'm leaving at 9 am with about 9 others on a road trip to Cape Point (the most southern tip of Africa) and then to Stellenbosch - a college town. We are spending the night in Stellenbosch and the entire next day and we'll get back into Cape Town late Saturday night. We'll spend Sunday in Cape Town and then our whole group leaves for Kruger National Park (the safari/game drive park) at 5 am Monday morning. Malaria pills here I come.
Me holding the hand of a two-year old girl who couldn't tell me her name. She ran into the room and jumped into my arms immediately. We became good friends very quickly.

Carlito - he was incredible. He walked around giving out stickers and toys to everyone - not keeping anything for himself except for a few stickers on his cheeks. At one point, Collin, our camera man walked out without his lens case and Carlito chased him down to return it to him. Precious.
Garrett is an old friend. I remember when he was a freshman being inducted into the Tate Society. Then, later, as SGA pres, he spoke at each Orientation session in the summer of 2000. Tell him to see me when he's back in Athens.