Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thursday June 11

Today was definitely the best day of the safari -- we saw lions which completed my Big Five sighting.  We got out there at 6 AM - drove til lunch - and then drove til 4.  We were the only group to see lions before lunch.  After the drive Kristy, Eric, Andrew and me laid around napped until dinner at 7.  The last night was soo fun -- everyone, alumni group included, stayed and talked after dinner.   We had fun and then woke up Friday morning to hit the road back to Cape Town.  

Sooo many monkeys!

It was a little scary!

Baboon family!

He was ready to pounce in our land rover!

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas...

Wart hogs are officially the ugliest animals in the bush.

Another elephant.  He was very pretty.

This is from my point of view when we were on the chase!

More Zeh-bruhs.

Hundreds of buffalo feeding early in the morning -- another one of the Big Five.

My favorite part of the trip -- finding this beautiful lioness.  She was literally 6 feet from our land rover.

She was a sleepy head.  Cats sleep during the day.

Getting annoyed with us watching her.

Nap time!

Male lion sleeping on a rock!

Water that drained to the watering hole.

One lonely hippo.
Best safari group!

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