Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday June 18

I really can't believe I have only two more days left in the beautiful Mother City.  How is that possible?  The sunset this evening was absolutely breathtaking.  Unfortunately my camera was dead at the time so I didn't get to capture it for you all... I watched it from the treadmill though and it was quite a sight... with huge ships in front of it on the horizon.  Today was incredible.  It has been my favorite day spent in the schools so far - and unfortunately, the last.  My group spent time at an elementary school where most of the children are HIV (+).  At first I was a bit overwhelmed because there wasn't any organization to the children... they were all running free on the playground (I don't know why I expected any different - that's how every school has been - even in the middle of the day when they should be in class - I have yet to see an actual class taking place).  I began to walk around the playground and just take pictures of my friends who were playing with groups of children on the makeshift playground items - the jungle gym, merry-g0-round, etc.  Then I made some friends and after we made conversation about their favorite foods and leisure activities I asked them to sing a song for me -- they began singing Beyonce, Rihanna, and all kinds of others - it was hilarious!  They had all the dances down as well... then they grabbed my hand and asked me to come sit in a circle with them... they had many questions about America and after a while they taught me games similar to the ones I would have played on the St. Joseph's playground.  I was so sad when Kevin came to get me to board the bus.  I didn't want to leave!  Once on the bus we made our way to the Amy Biehl after school program.  This particular facility is situated directly across the street from where Amy Biehl was murdered and yesterday the alumni group planted roses to honor Amy - they were very pretty. I must admit it's pretty odd to report for instruction to Amy's murderer because he runs the after school program but I have to remember it was all part of the apartheid amnesty program... I just try to learn from her parent's ability to forgive and build a relationship with their daughter's murderer - it is incredible.  Anyway, at the after school program we had a field day for the children complete with sack races, egg relays, and flour fights!  After taking photos for a while a small girl wandered into my lap and I sat with her while the others played - I have to admit I wouldn't have had it any other way.  I'm about to head to dinner with some friends and then I think most everyone is headed to Tiger Tiger for college night.... 

The beautiful view from the balcony!

Jordan surrounded on the jungle gym.

Just a little Superman.


South African National Anthem.

African Salad.  We were all required to taste it -- it consists of boiled grain meal and sour milk. Yum,

Sack races.

Thumb sucker - we stick together.

We let them borrow our glasses.

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