Friday, June 12, 2009

Tuesday June 9

Tuesday -
A staff member literally knocks on your tent/cabin's door with a wake up call at the appointed time.  They know the cabins whose group has a safari and at which time.  So, we got a knock at 4:45, breakfast was at 5:30 and we left on our landrovers at 6.  We had our best guide on Tuesday - Redwell - but we all called him Redbull.  If you've ever seen the movie, "The Lion King", he sounds exactly like the character who plays Rafiki.  He was hilarious and you could tell he loved his job.  When he introduced himself he told us he was "naughty" so I knew we were in for a treat.  We saw 4 of the Big 5 on Tuesday - missed the lions but saw a leopard - we were one of the only packs to see one.  We also almost saw two giraffes mating but after watching for a while, Redwell informed us, "You see, de problum iz the penis iz not out.  She is an oogly oogly giraffe - hhaaa haaaaaa!".  He made the day amazing.  Picnic lunch.  Ended at 4.  Chilled out until dinner and then we all sat around a camp fire for a while until bed.

The group - we definitely had the best land rover crowd! This is us with Redwell (Redbull).
Here he is - cutting up and being hilarious!
# 1 of Big 5 - The White Rhino. 
Beautiful, beautiful creatures.  The darker giraffes are males and the lighter are females.  
The rarest of the Big Five -- The Leopard!  We were so fortunate to have seen him.... we were the only Land Rover that saw a Leopard for the entire three days -- Redwell said it was because he was such a hot tour guide -- he was hootin' and hollerin' because its even rare for the guides to see Leopards.. he stopped every car we passed to tell them about it even  though the Leopard left after he heard Redwell yelling....
Another member of the Big Five -- The elephant.  This one mock charged us!
"Zeh-bruhs" --- as they say here. Are they black with white stripes or white with black stripes? 
Impalas -- these guys are everywhere and definitely at the bottom of the food chain.  On the last day - we saw a leopard's kill (an impala) hanging from a tree limb because that's how the leopards keep their food for themselves -- they can carry an animal up to double their own body weight into trees.  

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